
Stephen Connolly commented on MPIR-234:

> It should not be displayed, or inferred from any other (ie sub module) 
> location.

If you are looking at a module's site and you have to go changing it, you want 
to know how to check out *that module*.

So there should be a "Source Repository" for sub-modules.

So let's take a concrete example: Surefire


I have no major complaints with the above page:

This has sub-module within the same GIT repo... let's pick one of them:


What I want is that the fact that this is a sub-component of the main 
repository should be called out more explicitly, e.g.

$ git clone https://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/maven-surefire.git
$ cd maven-surefire/surefire-api

would be better checkout instructions.

NIT: those checkout instructions do not checkout the branch that the report was 
generated from... so better yet would be

$ git clone -b surefire-2.18.1_vote-1 
$ cd maven-surefire/surefire-api

On the other hand, it is really annoying with SVN to always be having the URL 
in the report as that of the tag... really great would be to give the links for 
the branch the release was cut from as well as the links to the tag

So you'd have

The source can be checked out anonymously from GIT. To checkout the source code 
that for this release use the following command:

$ git clone -b surefire-2.18.1_vote-1 
$ cd maven-surefire/surefire-api

Alternatively if you want to check out the development stream you can use the 
following command:

$ git clone https://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/maven-surefire.git
$ cd maven-surefire/surefire-api

Now that page also brings up an additional topic... namely the "Web Access" 

The Web Access section currently assumes that you will navigate the repo 
exactly like the file system... this is not entirely an unreasonable 
assumption... but it need not remain true, for example there are some web 
browsers that use a query parameter for the repo path... so the path needs to 
be encoded appropriately.

To me it would make more sense to have the Web Access link generated by a 
plugable strategy and injected into the report using a role-hint...

so if I inject the {{<webAccess>github</webAccess>}} into the report... well 
that assumes that GIT urls are for GitHub / GitHub enterprise and can compute 
the web access url from the git url... much less for the user to configure and 
therefore much less to go wrong.

If the role is not injected, we could ask all providers to sniff check... so a 
github.com URL would be auto-sniffed by the github implementation and bonus the 
user didn't have to configure anything... an implementation of {{none}} would 
suppress the link entirely for those people who feel the need to hide.

> SCM-link in site of multimodule projects should not append module name by 
> default (at least for git)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: MPIR-234
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MPIR-234
>             Project: Maven Project Info Reports Plugin
>          Issue Type: Bug
>          Components: scm
>    Affects Versions: 2.4
>            Reporter: Mirko Friedenhagen
> I have setup a simple multi module project (see 
> https://github.com/mfriedenhagen/multi-module-sample/tree/multi-site-complex) 
> which uses git on github as {{scm}}. While rendering the site, MPIR will by 
> default add the name of the module to the SCM-URLs in source-repository.html. 
> So instead of https://github.com/mfriedenhagen/multi-module-sample/ I see 
> https://github.com/mfriedenhagen/multi-module-sample/core/, 
> g...@github.com:mfriedenhagen/multi-module-sample.git/core and 
> git://github.com/mfriedenhagen/multi-module-sample.git/core in the report for 
> the core module. All these URLs are invalid. For SVN this could be assumed to 
> be the right behaviour, for git and probably other SCMs this is not true. As 
> a workaround I have to reconfigure the scm section (see 
> https://github.com/mfriedenhagen/multi-module-sample/blob/multi-site-complex/core/pom.xml)
>  in the modules like this:
> {code:xml}
> <scm>
>   <connection>${project.parent.scm.connection}</connection>
> <developerConnection>${project.parent.scm.developerConnection}</developerConnection>
>   <url>${project.parent.scm.url}</url>
> </scm>
> {code}

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