original-brownbear opened a new pull request, #13906:
URL: https://github.com/apache/lucene/pull/13906

   No need to slice when it's a clone that is to be used with random access, we 
already enforce thread access rules anyway. Also, no point in copying the 
memory segment instance via noop slicing.
   This doesn't really have much of a runtime impact (looking at wikimedium):
          BrowseDayOfYearSSDVFacets        6.18      (8.5%)        6.07      
(8.7%)   -1.8% ( -17% -   16%) 0.347
                             IntNRQ       21.39      (3.3%)       21.13      
(3.8%)   -1.2% (  -8% -    6%) 0.115
               HighIntervalsOrdered        9.76      (4.3%)        9.69      
(5.7%)   -0.7% ( -10% -    9%) 0.511
              HighTermDayOfYearSort      156.54      (2.4%)      155.52      
(2.9%)   -0.7% (  -5% -    4%) 0.279
                        LowSpanNear       61.87      (2.3%)       61.48      
(2.8%)   -0.6% (  -5% -    4%) 0.273
                         TermDTSort       53.99      (1.3%)       53.71      
(1.6%)   -0.5% (  -3% -    2%) 0.108
                       HighSpanNear        6.69      (4.4%)        6.66      
(4.3%)   -0.4% (  -8% -    8%) 0.697
                          OrHighLow      479.99      (2.1%)      479.02      
(2.2%)   -0.2% (  -4% -    4%) 0.670
                             Fuzzy1       62.30      (1.2%)       62.17      
(1.3%)   -0.2% (  -2% -    2%) 0.480
                  HighTermMonthSort      556.56      (1.3%)      555.47      
(1.6%)   -0.2% (  -3% -    2%) 0.546
           AndHighHighDayTaxoFacets        5.60      (4.7%)        5.59      
(3.7%)   -0.2% (  -8% -    8%) 0.844
                             Fuzzy2       61.63      (1.3%)       61.54      
(1.6%)   -0.1% (  -3% -    2%) 0.651
                            Respell       34.27      (1.5%)       34.22      
(1.4%)   -0.1% (  -3% -    2%) 0.702
                    LowSloppyPhrase       19.76      (3.9%)       19.74      
(3.5%)   -0.1% (  -7% -    7%) 0.880
                MedIntervalsOrdered       19.12      (2.6%)       19.10      
(2.6%)   -0.1% (  -5% -    5%) 0.872
                           Wildcard      115.59      (2.8%)      115.51      
(2.8%)   -0.1% (  -5% -    5%) 0.905
                            Prefix3      318.40      (1.4%)      318.82      
(1.9%)    0.1% (  -3% -    3%) 0.727
            AndHighMedDayTaxoFacets       52.44      (2.5%)       52.51      
(2.3%)    0.1% (  -4% -    5%) 0.794
               BrowseDateSSDVFacets        1.32      (6.3%)        1.33      
(4.8%)    0.2% ( -10% -   11%) 0.895
                           PKLookup      157.21      (3.4%)      157.48      
(3.8%)    0.2% (  -6% -    7%) 0.829
                         HighPhrase       95.48      (2.3%)       95.69      
(2.5%)    0.2% (  -4% -    5%) 0.682
              BrowseMonthTaxoFacets        4.89      (0.4%)        4.90      
(0.4%)    0.2% (   0% -    1%) 0.013
                    MedSloppyPhrase       13.62      (2.8%)       13.66      
(2.5%)    0.3% (  -4% -    5%) 0.615
                          MedPhrase       23.07      (2.1%)       23.15      
(2.4%)    0.3% (  -4% -    4%) 0.495
                   HighSloppyPhrase       18.02      (5.3%)       18.09      
(4.0%)    0.4% (  -8% -   10%) 0.713
                        MedSpanNear        8.17      (2.9%)        8.20      
(2.9%)    0.4% (  -5% -    6%) 0.552
                          LowPhrase      112.30      (2.0%)      112.75      
(2.0%)    0.4% (  -3% -    4%) 0.373
                         AndHighLow      607.00      (5.8%)      609.50      
(5.4%)    0.4% ( -10% -   12%) 0.740
                            LowTerm      204.43      (2.0%)      205.31      
(2.7%)    0.4% (  -4% -    5%) 0.425
                  HighTermTitleSort       17.83      (1.4%)       17.91      
(1.4%)    0.4% (  -2% -    3%) 0.159
             OrHighMedDayTaxoFacets        3.09      (3.9%)        3.11      
(3.8%)    0.5% (  -6% -    8%) 0.599
                LowIntervalsOrdered       20.57      (3.1%)       20.67      
(3.9%)    0.5% (  -6% -    7%) 0.550
               HighTermTitleBDVSort        5.50      (3.4%)        5.53      
(3.7%)    0.6% (  -6% -    7%) 0.468
                          OrHighMed       89.37      (4.0%)       89.89      
(5.4%)    0.6% (  -8% -   10%) 0.583
                         AndHighMed       71.17      (4.3%)       71.61      
(5.2%)    0.6% (  -8% -   10%) 0.555
               MedTermDayTaxoFacets       20.66      (4.0%)       20.81      
(4.4%)    0.7% (  -7% -    9%) 0.458
                         OrHighHigh       32.44      (6.3%)       32.70      
(8.0%)    0.8% ( -12% -   16%) 0.625
              BrowseMonthSSDVFacets        6.29      (7.4%)        6.34     
(10.5%)    0.8% ( -15% -   20%) 0.684
                       OrNotHighLow      581.89      (2.8%)      586.83      
(2.6%)    0.8% (  -4% -    6%) 0.164
                      OrNotHighHigh      208.03      (5.2%)      209.97      
(6.0%)    0.9% (  -9% -   12%) 0.457
                            MedTerm      281.51      (5.0%)      284.37      
(6.7%)    1.0% ( -10% -   13%) 0.442
                       OrNotHighMed      231.06      (4.0%)      233.53      
(4.1%)    1.1% (  -6% -    9%) 0.240
                       OrHighNotMed      280.55      (4.6%)      283.63      
(5.7%)    1.1% (  -8% -   11%) 0.339
                      OrHighNotHigh      141.67      (5.3%)      143.24      
(6.5%)    1.1% ( -10% -   13%) 0.403
                        AndHighHigh        8.71      (5.8%)        8.82      
(7.4%)    1.2% ( -11% -   15%) 0.419
                       OrHighNotLow      247.33      (5.3%)      250.51      
(6.5%)    1.3% (  -9% -   13%) 0.332
                           HighTerm      202.30      (5.5%)      205.03      
(7.4%)    1.4% ( -10% -   15%) 0.355
        BrowseRandomLabelSSDVFacets        4.16      (3.6%)        4.27      
(7.1%)    2.4% (  -7% -   13%) 0.054
        BrowseRandomLabelTaxoFacets        4.69      (5.5%)        4.97     
(22.8%)    5.9% ( -21% -   36%) 0.109
               BrowseDateTaxoFacets        5.44     (12.0%)        5.91     
(27.5%)    8.6% ( -27% -   54%) 0.069
          BrowseDayOfYearTaxoFacets        5.54     (12.4%)        6.04     
(28.9%)    8.9% ( -28% -   57%) 0.072
   but it does save about 1% of all allocations overall (effectively 
`jdk.internal.foreign.MappedMemorySegmentImpl#dup()` disappears from the 

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