AhmedNader42 commented on code in PR #1434:
URL: https://github.com/apache/iceberg-python/pull/1434#discussion_r1887246806

@@ -681,6 +681,51 @@ def test_update_namespace_properties_200(rest_mock: 
Mocker) -> None:
     assert response == PropertiesUpdateSummary(removed=[], updated=["prop"], 
+def test_namespace_exists_200(rest_mock: Mocker) -> None:
+    rest_mock.head(
+        f"{TEST_URI}v1/namespaces/fokko",
+        status_code=200,
+        request_headers=TEST_HEADERS,
+    )
+    catalog = RestCatalog("rest", uri=TEST_URI, token=TEST_TOKEN)
+    assert catalog.namespace_exists("fokko")

Review Comment:
   Yes, Good point! I was looking for how to properly test this but didn't find 
any tests touching the REST Catalog. I thought it was a bit out of scope for 
the initial issue to add a new integration test flow.
   Maybe we should open a new enhancement and add the details to it to 
implement a new integration test for REST Catalog at 
tests/integration/test_rest_catalog.py like you mentioned. Thoughts? I'm 
willing to pick it up

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