Xuanwo commented on code in PR #795:
URL: https://github.com/apache/iceberg-rust/pull/795#discussion_r1887077718

@@ -3604,4 +3608,29 @@ mod tests {
         assert_eq!(result, expected);
+    #[test]
+    fn test_record_ser_de() {
+        let expected_literal = Literal::Struct(Struct::from_iter(vec![
+            Some(Literal::Primitive(PrimitiveLiteral::Int(1))),
+            Some(Literal::Primitive(PrimitiveLiteral::String(
+                "bar".to_string(),
+            ))),
+            None,
+            Some(Literal::Primitive(PrimitiveLiteral::Int(1000))),
+        ]));
+        let fields = Type::Struct(StructType::new(vec![
+            NestedField::required(2, "id", 
+            NestedField::optional(3, "name", 
+            NestedField::optional(4, "address", 
+            NestedField::required(5, "extra", 
+        ]));
+        let raw_literal = RawLiteral::try_from(expected_literal.clone(), 
+        let serialized = serde_json::to_string(&raw_literal).unwrap();
+        let deserialized: RawLiteral = 
+        let deserialized_literal = 
+        assert_eq!(expected_literal, deserialized_literal);

Review Comment:
   Hi, I'm a bit confused about why we need to care about this. 
[De]serialization is a very format-specific task, and it's really challenging 
to ensure our implementations meet all format requirements. I'm a bit concerned 
about the additional cost we incur to achieve this. Doesn't it seem fine as 
long as it works well with Avro?

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