ZENOTME commented on code in PR #760:
URL: https://github.com/apache/iceberg-rust/pull/760#discussion_r1877278013

@@ -57,30 +59,130 @@ type DefaultInput = RecordBatch;
 type DefaultOutput = Vec<DataFile>;
 /// The builder for iceberg writer.
 pub trait IcebergWriterBuilder<I = DefaultInput, O = DefaultOutput>:
     Send + Clone + 'static
     /// The associated writer type.
     type R: IcebergWriter<I, O>;
     /// The associated writer config type used to build the writer.
-    type C;
+    type C: Send + 'static;
     /// Build the iceberg writer.
-    async fn build(self, config: Self::C) -> Result<Self::R>;
+    fn build(self, config: Self::C) -> impl Future<Output = Result<Self::R>> + 
 /// The iceberg writer used to write data to iceberg table.
 pub trait IcebergWriter<I = DefaultInput, O = DefaultOutput>: Send + 'static {
     /// Write data to iceberg table.
-    async fn write(&mut self, input: I) -> Result<()>;
+    fn write(&mut self, input: I) -> impl Future<Output = Result<()>> + Send + 
     /// Close the writer and return the written data files.
     /// If close failed, the data written before maybe be lost. User may need 
to recreate the writer and rewrite the data again.
     /// # NOTE
     /// After close, regardless of success or failure, the writer should never 
be used again, otherwise the writer will panic.
-    async fn close(&mut self) -> Result<O>;
+    fn close(&mut self) -> impl Future<Output = Result<O>> + Send + '_;

Review Comment:
   I think we can change `fn close(&mut self)` after `fn close(self)` in this 
PR. Because for now we don't need to concern the that it will make the trait be 
not object-safe. It can solve the problem in 
https://github.com/apache/iceberg-rust/pull/703#discussion_r1850434941. cc 

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