pitrou commented on issue #2:
URL: https://github.com/apache/iceberg-cpp/issues/2#issuecomment-2527410151

   > I'd like to hear more of this. Perhaps a naive example to demonstrate it?
   I was thinking something like this. But I'm not an Iceberg expert at all.
   struct FileOpenRequest {
     std::string path;
     FileInfo info;
   struct FileOpenResult {
     std::any file_handle;
   struct ReadRangeRequest {
     std::any file_handle;  // corresponds to FileOpenRequest::file_handle
     int64_t offset, length;
   struct ReadRangeResult {
     std::shared_ptr<Buffer> data;
   struct IoRequest {
     std::any handle;
     std::variant<FileOpenRequest, ReadRangeRequest> op;
   struct IoResult {
     std::any handle;  // corresponds to IoRequest::handle
     std::variant<FileOpenResult, ReadRangeResult> op;
   class IcebergReader {
     // Ask the reader which IOs are needed to move forward
     std::vector<IoRequest> NeedIo();
     // Instruct the reader about these IO results
     void IoReceived(std::vector<IoResult>);
     // Optional - IOs which may be needed in the future
     std::vector<IoRequest> SpeculatedIo();

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