aokolnychyi commented on code in PR #11620:

@@ -143,6 +143,10 @@ protected Table newTable(TableOperations ops, String 
tableName) {
     return new BaseTable(ops, tableName);
+  public Table underlyingTable() {

Review Comment:
   Question: What about capturing the format version as a field in 
`SerializableTable`, similar to what we do for the metadata file location? The 
problem right now is that calling `lazyTable()` may actually require a request 
to load the metadata, which is something we would want to ideally avoid. 
Historically, we kept separate fields for what is considered important 
information and may be accessed frequently.

@@ -143,6 +143,10 @@ protected Table newTable(TableOperations ops, String 
tableName) {
     return new BaseTable(ops, tableName);
+  public Table underlyingTable() {

Review Comment:
   Question: What about capturing the format version as a field in 
`SerializableTable`, similar to what we do for the metadata file location? The 
problem right now is that calling `lazyTable()` may actually require a request 
to load the metadata, which is something we would want to ideally avoid. 
Historically, we kept separate fields for what is considered important 
information and might be accessed frequently.

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