amogh-jahagirdar commented on code in PR #11561:

@@ -267,31 +271,47 @@ private Dataset<Row> toDS(String schema, String jsonData) 
   protected void validateDelete(
-      Snapshot snapshot, String changedPartitionCount, String 
deletedDataFiles) {
-    validateSnapshot(snapshot, DELETE, changedPartitionCount, 
deletedDataFiles, null, null);
+      int formatVersion, Snapshot snapshot, String changedPartitionCount, 
String deletedDataFiles) {
+    validateSnapshot(
+        formatVersion, snapshot, DELETE, changedPartitionCount, 
deletedDataFiles, null, null);

Review Comment:
   Yeah after writing this all out, I think so. I originally wanted to avoid an 
exploding number of tests that could be caused by parameterizing the tests but 
after seeing which tests explicitly we should skip becaujse they're not 
relevant for DVs, we can parameterize the format and just add assume calls for 
those tests.

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