aokolnychyi commented on code in PR #11131:

@@ -307,12 +331,22 @@ private void invalidateFilteredCache() {
    * @return a ManifestReader that is a filtered version of the input manifest.
-  private ManifestFile filterManifest(Schema tableSchema, ManifestFile 
manifest) {
+  private ManifestFile filterManifest(
+      Schema tableSchema, ManifestFile manifest, boolean 
trustReferencedManifests) {
     ManifestFile cached = filteredManifests.get(manifest);
     if (cached != null) {
       return cached;
+    boolean manifestIsReferenced = 
+    // The manifest does not need to be rewritten if the referenced set can be 
trusted and the
+    // manifest is not referenced
+    if (trustReferencedManifests && !manifestIsReferenced) {

Review Comment:
   I wonder whether we can restructure this a bit as there are separate 
branches that basically skip rewrites. What about having a common 
`canContainDeletedFiles` and just doing something like this?
   if (!canContainDeletedFiles(manifest, trustManifestReferences)) {
     filteredManifests.put(manifest, manifest);
     return manifest;
   try (ManifestReader<F> reader = newManifestReader(manifest)) {
     PartitionSpec spec = reader.spec();
     PartitionAndMetricsEvaluator evaluator =
         new PartitionAndMetricsEvaluator(tableSchema, spec, deleteExpression);
     if (manifestHasDeletedFiles(evaluator, reader)) {
       return filterManifestWithDeletedFiles(evaluator, manifest, reader);
     } else {
       filteredManifests.put(manifest, manifest);
       return manifest;
   } catch (IOException e) {
     throw new RuntimeIOException(e, "Failed to close manifest: %s", manifest);
   With helper methods:
   private boolean canContainDeletedFiles(ManifestFile manifest, boolean 
trustManifestReferences) {
     if (hasNoLiveFiles(manifest)) {
       return false;
     if (trustManifestReferences) {
       return manifestsWithDeletes.contains(manifest.path());
     return canContainDroppedFiles(manifest)
         || canContainExpressionDeletes(manifest)
         || canContainDroppedPartitions(manifest);
   private boolean hasNoLiveFiles(ManifestFile manifest) {
     return !manifest.hasAddedFiles() && !manifest.hasExistingFiles();
   And an extra check in `manifestHasDeletedFiles`:
     private boolean manifestHasDeletedFiles(
         PartitionAndMetricsEvaluator evaluator, ManifestReader<F> reader) {
       if (manifestsWithDeletes.contains(reader.file().location())) {
         return true;

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