On Sun, Nov 11, 2012 at 11:09 AM, Volker Armin Hemmann
<volkerar...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Am Sonntag, 11. November 2012, 15:33:15 schrieb 微蔡:
>> 在 2012年11月10日 星期六 20:56:45,pk 写道:
>> byebye  haters .  Comunitiy doesn't need people like you.
>>       You maybe paid by some Linux hate company to express like this.

This individual who writes to an English language list signing only with
Chinese characters has no idea about what "community" means.  In many years of
reading this list, I can't recall any intervention that even approaches this
sewerish vomit. I suppose that any list is bound to attract some troll sooner
or later, but isn't it a nice coincidence that this perl is a product of the
same totalitarian mindset that is determined to poison Linux?
> But what to expect from someone with a 'fedora' email adress. Fedora aka
> Redhat aka acting obnoxoius and pushing sub par solutions or try to be as
> incompatible as possible to everybody else....
Right. And what to expect from someone who boasts he "can learn anything I
want very very fast" (http://www.linkedin.com/in/microcai) and become (sic) "a
master of UNIX very soon", an "expert of all kinds" with "master knowledge"
after self-learning (sic) "Linux 3 years ago"? Yet, he couldn't spend one hour
learning good manners and another one learning English.


Jorge Almeida

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