On Wed, Feb 20, 2013 at 9:05 AM, Mike Cloaked <mike.cloa...@gmail.com>wrote:
> >> > I will try to fiddle with the service files and get it to work - but > clearly at the moment it is non-ideal as this is a server and a remote > reboot would currently leave it without a working network connection! > > I have finally found a solution that works well for me - I simply did "systemctl enable NetworkManager-wait-online" and rebooted - the dhcpd4 and named services are now running correctly after the system boots - so the dhcpd4 service does indeed get held until the network is properly up so I now have a system working as it should and therefore this particular issue is resolved. systemd-analyze shows a boot time of 8.7 seconds so there is no significant delay by enabling NetworkManager-wait-online service. -- mike c