Hi Mike, Lots of stuff going on, so sorry for not answering inline.
* It looks like NetworkManager and dhcpd are stepping on eachother's toes. Maybe you want to disable dhcpd and only use NM? * Any service that cannot deal with network devices appearing or being rename after it is started (is broken and) should have the After/Wants=systemd-udev-settle.service lines you pasted above. Note that this is not a perfect solution, as udev never knows exactly how long to wait for all the network devices, but it is the best we can do and gives the same behavior as we had pre-systemd. * I never used the dhcpd4 (only ever used dhcpcd), but in principle the correct solution should be to make it one instance per network device (i.e., create an dhcpd4@.service similar to dhcpcd@.service from the dhcpcd package). This would make sure it is only started after the relevant network device appears (and have been given its final name), and it should also make dhpcd itself happy (as it seems to not like being called without a specific interface judging from your logs). HTH, Tom