On Tue, Feb 19, 2013 at 10:00 PM, Tom Gundersen <t...@jklm.no> wrote:

> Hi Mike,
> Lots of stuff going on, so sorry for not answering inline.
>  * It looks like NetworkManager and dhcpd are stepping on eachother's
> toes. Maybe you want to disable dhcpd and only use NM?

I am confused here - I am running dhcpd as a server not a client - I didn't
realise NM could act as a DHCP server?

> * Any service that cannot deal with network devices appearing or being
> rename after it is started (is broken and) should have the
> After/Wants=systemd-udev-settle.service lines you pasted above. Note
> that this is not a perfect solution, as udev never knows exactly how
> long to wait for all the network devices, but it is the best we can do
> and gives the same behavior as we had pre-systemd.

Perhaps I should file a bug about this - particularly with dhcpd?

>  * I never used the dhcpd4 (only ever used dhcpcd), but in principle
> the correct solution should be to make it one instance per network
> device (i.e., create an dhcpd4@.service similar to dhcpcd@.service
> from the dhcpcd package). This would make sure it is only started
> after the relevant network device appears (and have been given its
> final name), and it should also make dhpcd itself happy (as it seems
> to not like being called without a specific interface judging from
> your logs).

I will try to fiddle with the service files and get it to work - but
clearly at the moment it is non-ideal as this is a server and a remote
reboot would currently leave it without a working network connection!

mike c

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