> > Would we have DNSCurve without DNSSEC, will DNSSEC actually ever get
> > fixed having got it out sooner to do so or would it have died and not
> > been replaced. Would we have DNSSEC with ECC already, solving a large
> > chunk of the issues. Perhaps pertinent questions for Linux init?  
> Yes!, why not bring up yet another nonsensical slightly related example....

Okay ;-), ipv6 with the promise of ipsec everywhere and lots of other
things causing huge headaches, programming problems and security
problems that now exist in devices across the planet rather than simply
adding more ips and calling it ipv5 as suggested by OpenBSDs project
leader. Note gentoo hardened have only just enabled ipv6 by default due
to servers with ipv6 only remote access installs.

I admit, I almost deleted it, not because of your opinion of nonsense
but because of potentially opening a can of worms that I have no
intention of responding to. DJB may state some points have a
slightly wider affect than they actually do, but they are certainly
valid and many of them always ignored in review of it.

Spot the trends?


'Write programs that do one thing and do it well. Write programs to work
together. Write programs to handle text streams, because that is a
universal interface'

(Doug McIlroy)

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