I agree with you. Using systemd to be the default or not is a very disputable issue. Many people like me do not like it, but some people think that it is the trend and so accept it. A poll is the best way to solve this problem.
2012/8/19 Roel Deckers <r.deckers...@gmail.com> > I think a poll is a good idea. > Remember it's not about whether or not you're allowed to use > initscripts/systemd, it's about what will become the default. > Sure, in the end it's the devs who get the final call, they're putting > in the work after all, but a poll can show whether the community > agrees with the devs decision. > Looking at the poll (and discussions) now, it seems that people are > generally in agreement with the developers and so I say we go ahead > with it. > Yes, there are also technical reasons/strong arguments for systemd, > but that's beside the point. > As Denis said: "the man with the will and skills to help makes the > rules", whether it's a good or a bad decision it's up to them. > You're not entitled to anything but an opinion. > > And I'd like to remind those that feel strongly against systemd that > you can still run initscripts and make a package for it, submit > patches etc. > You just have to be careful on a clean install that you tick-off > systemd and tick-on initscripts. > > R. Deckers >