On Fri, Aug 17, 2012 at 11:07 AM, Heiko Baums <li...@baums-on-web.de> wrote:
> Am Fri, 17 Aug 2012 10:20:47 +0100
> schrieb mike cloaked <mike.cloa...@gmail.com>:
>> Isn't it interesting that the vote is currently 81% support for arch
>> to switch to systemd (even with the misspelling in the poll), and only
>> 19% against!  Looks like at least from the perspective of this poll
>> (even with only 237 votes in total which just shows the low level of
>> interest in the poll given that the arch community must be many times
>> that number of users) that the proposal that the devs made is
>> overwhelmingly being supported by the community despite all the fuss
>> that appeared in this mailing list!
> And what does this poll say? Exactly nothing. Do you know how many
> people have voted how many times? You only need one systemd fanboy with
> a few minutes spare time to get such a result.
> A poll would only make sense if it's ensured that everybody can vote
> exactly once.

True but see my posting in another thread in this mailing list today
pointing to some rather more useful stats.

mike c

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