2012/8/23 Stephen E. Baker <baker.stephe...@gmail.com>: > On 23/08/2012 4:14 PM, Felipe Contreras wrote: > [snip] >> >> Is systemd ready? Where is the evidence? > > > https://www.archlinux.de/?page=PackageStatistics shows that about 14% of > arch users who are using pkgstat have systemd installed. It is not default > and not depended on by anything, so that means a sizable portion of the > community has tried it. The bug tracker isn't being flooded with critical > bugs against it so it must work for the majority of archers who are using > it. > > Is that evidence? If not, what would constitute evidence? > > [snip]
Just blacklist this obvious troll. You don't need to feed it anymore. This person could say the sun is the center of the universe even if it is completely false. -- Frederic Bezies fredbez...@gmail.com