On 22/08/12 at 04:23am, Sven-Hendrik Haase wrote:
> On 22.08.2012 02:48, Felipe Contreras wrote:
> >On Wed, Aug 22, 2012 at 2:32 AM, Sven-Hendrik Haase <s...@lutzhaase.com> 
> >wrote:
> >>On 22.08.2012 02:10, Felipe Contreras wrote:
> >>>On Wed, Aug 22, 2012 at 1:48 AM, Patrick Murphy <theger...@gmail.com>
> >>>wrote:
> >>>>Could you give me a brief explanation as to why init scripts are better?
> >>>>I'm newish to Unix style operating systems
> >>>As I said; they are tried-and-true since *decades*, all the problems
> >>>have been ironed out by slow small changes, so if somebody has
> >>>problems they are probably hitting very few people.
> >>>
> >>>Switching to systemd is not a small change, it's a revolutionary
> >>>change, with the potential to break many people's boot (it has broken
> >>>things in Fedora, and openSUSE, and it's happening in Arch Linux as
> >>>well). So, a sensible person would wait until a sensible time to make
> >>>the big switch (which is clearly not now).
> >>>
> >>Arch is not sensible in the conservative sense. Being conservative here
> >>means waiting for others to make the software more stable. This is not
> >>really what Arch is about. We regularly move to software that is
> >>just-about-enough stable to be used. As far as I am concerned, systemd is at
> >>that point since I was able to convert my laptop to it without any problems
> >>at all.
> >So if it works for you, it will surely work for *everybody* else. I
> >have seen this argument so many times that I'm starting to worry about
> >the rationality of Arch Linux users and developers.
> I said "As far as I am concerned, systemd is at that point since I
> was able to convert my laptop to it without any problems at all."
> You say I somehow said something along the lines of "As far as I am
> concerned, systemd is at that point since I was able to convert my
> laptop to it without any problems at all so it will surely work for
> *everybody* else."
> I suppose you are mostly trolling at this point anyway but at least
> don't make it so obvious!
If you look back through this thread, or the other one he started[0], you will
see that is his consistent approach: misrepresent what others have said so that
he can counter with even more FUD.

It's as predictable as it is pathetic.

0. http://mailman.archlinux.org/pipermail/arch-general/2012-August/029856.html


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