On Tue, Aug 21, 2012 at 10:03:44PM -0300, Denis A. Alto?? Falqueto wrote:
> You know that all this jibber-jabber could be easily avoided if you
> just asked for help or opened bug reports, don't you? You know, just
> like when polite peopple try to solve their own problems and, when
> nothing else seems to work, ask for help in a friendly community, with
> a friendly attitude. That is what really mekes Arch so good and you
> seems to ignore so many times.

He is trying to reason with the friendly community.  He has a
particular idea that he thinks is a good one.  Open discourse
is a healthy part of an open source community; all ideas are
put forward and subjected to peer review and the mighty hammer
of experiment.

I know it can be frustrating when people disagree with you so
vehemently but he's not trying to insult you and the nature
of the Internet is such that I think you could stand to grow
some thicker skin.

If you think Filipe is wrong, explain it to him.  If he 
ignores your explanations, then ignore him.  

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