Okay then, I don't think I'd get more responses than that.  I think
I'll choose C Anthony Risinger's solution, because I trust rsync more
than regular cp.

On Fri, Jan 27, 2012 at 8:15 PM, C Anthony Risinger <anth...@xtfx.me> wrote:
> the only probalem would be windows, if NTFS has some kind of internal
> UUID, and it notices/cares (and windows *always* cares ;-)
> ... in which case i would suggest reactivating or hacking windows. you
> bought it. you own it. it's yours.

It's an OEM, I'm changing PCs, so it won't work.  I am reinstalling
Windows anyway, because using XP on such machine (3-core AMD Athlon
3.4GHz, GeForce GTS450, USB3.0, 4GB RAM) would be a stupid idea.

Kwpolska <http://kwpolska.tk>
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