I bought a new PC.  I'm going to get it a bit later, I need a plan for
data movement.  I created this, can someone please tell me if it's
okay, and, if it's not, what should I change?

01. Remove the OLDPC drivers from Arch on OLDHDD.
02. Connect the NEWHDD to the OLDPC.
03. Create the appropriate partitions on the NEWHDD (with new sizes,
    EXCEPT Shared [NTFS])
04. Copy (dd) some partitions from OLDHDD to NEWHDD (Arch, Home,
05. Use fsck on Arch and Home on NEWHDD (just in case.)
    # Should I do something to get them to work with the new sizes? #
07. Resize Shared (NTFS) to the approperiate size.
08. Boot into Windows twice in order to check it.
09. Install GRUB on NEWHDD, shut down OLDPC and connect the NEWHDD
    to the NEWPC.
10. Install NEWPC drivers to Arch on NEWHDD. (audio/video)
11. Install Windows 7 on the NEWPC.
12. Connect the NEWHDD back to the OLDPC.  Re-install GRUB.
13. Boot into Windows XP on the OLDHDD.  Copy some bigger Steam
    games to the NEWHDD.
14. At long last, profit.

Kwpolska <http://kwpolska.tk>
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