On 27 January 2012 20:37, Kwpolska <kwpol...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I bought a new PC.  I'm going to get it a bit later, I need a plan for
> data movement.  I created this, can someone please tell me if it's
> okay, and, if it's not, what should I change?
> 01. Remove the OLDPC drivers from Arch on OLDHDD.
> 02. Connect the NEWHDD to the OLDPC.
> 03. Create the appropriate partitions on the NEWHDD (with new sizes,
>    EXCEPT Shared [NTFS])
> 04. Copy (dd) some partitions from OLDHDD to NEWHDD (Arch, Home,
>    Shared)
Maybe you shouldn't dd them. If you dd, you will copy every single
byte from the old partition. Maybe you can save (a lot) of time if you
just rsync/cp them.
> 05. Use fsck on Arch and Home on NEWHDD (just in case.)
>    # Should I do something to get them to work with the new sizes? #
Yeah, you should resize the filesystem to fill the partition but I
have no idea how to do that manually. Parted magic does it for me.
> 07. Resize Shared (NTFS) to the approperiate size.
> 08. Boot into Windows twice in order to check it.
> 09. Install GRUB on NEWHDD, shut down OLDPC and connect the NEWHDD
>    to the NEWPC.
> 10. Install NEWPC drivers to Arch on NEWHDD. (audio/video)
> 11. Install Windows 7 on the NEWPC.
> 12. Connect the NEWHDD back to the OLDPC.  Re-install GRUB.
> 13. Boot into Windows XP on the OLDHDD.  Copy some bigger Steam
>    games to the NEWHDD.
> 14. At long last, profit.

Thanasis Georgiou

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