>> As for my user groups:
>> video,audio,optical,storage,games,lp,wheel,scanner,power
>> As for kde packages, I have a very minimal kde install and it still works.
>> kdebase is must of course. Try it with just that and the above settings. If
>> it doesn't work, then take a look at `pacman -Sg kdeadmin`
> voyager:/ #pacman -Sg kdeadmin
> kdeadmin kdeadmin-kcron
> kdeadmin kdeadmin-ksystemlog
> kdeadmin kdeadmin-kuser
> kdeadmin kdeadmin-system-config-printer-kde
> Pete .

I guess kdeadmin isn't the group I was thinking about. These are the
KDE packages I have installed, very small:

I start kde via inittab.

Jonathan Vasquez

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