On Jan 8, 2012 12:27 PM, "Tom Gundersen" <t...@jklm.no> wrote:
> On Sun, Jan 8, 2012 at 2:17 PM, Peter Lewis <ple...@aur.archlinux.org>
> >> This is done via policykit.
> >
> > Would I need some optdepend installed or some daemon started to make
> > work? I notice that I have polkit-qt installed, but I don't think I've
> > done anything explicit with regard to policykit. I'm in the wheel
group, in
> > case that matters.
> No particular group membership necessary. I'm not really sure exactly
> what packages need to be installed (I just install all the kde
> packages and hope for the best).
> This should "just work(TM)". If it does not there could be a
> polkit/consolekit problem. If you use kdm (via the rc script)
> everything should be set up correctly, so if you are starting KDE in
> some other way that might be worth looking into.
> > I'm running [testing] on this machine. Perhaps that could cause the
> > difference?
> I think this should work regardless, but for what it is worth I am
> using kde-unstable + testing.
> -t

On my system I do have the key.

Is peter said, if you are using kdm, then this should be handled for you.
If not try the following in your .xinitrc:

exec ck-launch-session dbus-launch startkde

As for my user groups:

As for kde packages, I have a very minimal kde install and it still works.
kdebase is must of course. Try it with just that and the above settings. If
it doesn't work, then take a look at `pacman -Sg kdeadmin`

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