
Thanks for the helpful response, Tom.

[Re: KDE system settings]
> > However, I also see "You are note allowed to save the configuration".
> That's odd. It works fine for me. You should see a key icon next to
> the Apply button, and when you click it you will be asked for the root
> password.

Hmmm. I don't have any such key icon. The apply button is just greyed out.

> > I'm afraid I also don't know how KDE system settings
> > panels are supposed to request root permissions to allow settings like
> > this.
> This is done via policykit.

Would I need some optdepend installed or some daemon started to make this 
work? I notice that I have polkit-qt installed, but I don't think I've ever 
done anything explicit with regard to policykit. I'm in the wheel group, in 
case that matters.

I'm running [testing] on this machine. Perhaps that could cause the 


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