On 07/07/2011 05:46 PM, Nicolas Bigaouette wrote:


  There might be just one right now, but OpenCL standard says many different
implementation should be able to install side by side, and the choice
between them is taken by the ICD loader.

after talking with Lukas i now have an idea about what you guys talking about.

Right now, what can i do is to take care about nvidia's opencl implementation and loader.

What I understand from Nicolas is that we can use any loader, either form nvidia, ati, intel. It will work with any implementation.

My propose is to split opencl loader and implementation out from nvidia-utils like this:

libcl - containing /usr/lib/libOpenCL.so*. This can be easy replaced with an opensource loader once is available in mesa or other that is better. libcl-nvidia - depending on libcl containing /etc/OpenCL/vendors/nvidia.icd and libcuda.so and maybe nvidia module(need confirmation)

for you guys:
libcl-intel - depending on libcl
libcl-amd - idem

How does it sound for you?


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