> Although that libclicd thingy looks outdated and/or incomplete,
> I like the testapps/list_platforms.c utility. It would be nice to have
> something
> like that in (a possible) wrapper ICD loader package (the
> /usr/lib/libOpenCL.so).
> AMD has a similar (more verbose) utility called 'clinfo'.
> I have experimentally removed the /usr/lib/libOpenCL.so file from the Intel
> sdk,
> installed it alongisde the AMD sdk and tried what these utils would output.
> The result looks quite nice, see http://codepad.org/NGaPsYbr
I've just written such a library to print available platforms and their
devices. Here's the output of it on my Q6600 cpu:

This is "just" a library, but a simple main() that calls its .Initialize()
could print this easily.

I'd wish to release that library as opensource at some point. Maybe this
could be a nice time for it ;)

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