2011/7/7 Nicolas Bigaouette <nbigaoue...@gmail.com>:
> I've found somebody who tried to implement his own ICD loader:
> https://github.com/Max-E/libclicd
> It was not updated for many months, and may be missing a lot of feature.
> It might be easier to create a package that just provides
> /usr/lib/libOpenCL.so taken from one of the different implementation. I
> suggest taking one that supports OpenCL 1.1. I think nvidia support only
> 1.0, while intel and amd support 1.1.

Although that libclicd thingy looks outdated and/or incomplete,
I like the testapps/list_platforms.c utility. It would be nice to have something
like that in (a possible) wrapper ICD loader package (the

AMD has a similar (more verbose) utility called 'clinfo'.
I have experimentally removed the /usr/lib/libOpenCL.so file from the Intel sdk,
installed it alongisde the AMD sdk and tried what these utils would output.
The result looks quite nice, see http://codepad.org/NGaPsYbr


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