On Thu, Jul 30, 2009 at 17:12, Edgar Kalkowski<em...@edgar-kalkowski.de> wrote:
> Hi Christian!
> Thank you for this tip but I’m afraid it does not work for me. I executed the 
> commands you suggested and they worked without printing any error (at first 
> they did because of a typo of mine). The result is that my Emacs window now 
> starts up quite small in the middle of the screen and the is almost (before 
> the actual content is drawn) resized to a bigger size. But this also makes it 
> appear not centered but rather asymmetrical somewhat left of the center of 
> the screen.
> Perhaps I’ll try my luck on the Emacs help mailing list in a few days or so.
> Edgar
> Am oder ungefähr am Donnerstag, 30. Juli 2009, um 16:34:25 schrieb Christian 
> Himpel:
>> Hi,
>> as a workaround, until someone comes up with a nice lisp solution, you
>> can set the font for emacs in your ~/.Xresources (or whatever you call
>> it).
>> For example:
>> $ cat >> .Xresources << EOF
>> Emacs*font: Terminus 10
>> EOF
>> $ xrdb -merge .Xresources
>> At least it works for me (and my tiling wm).
>> Regards,
>> chressie
Maybe you haven't installed the terminus font?

$ pacman -S terminus-font

But you can use any other font, of course. An "easy" way to find out
what fonts you can use might be:

- open your emacs frame
- hold the SHIFT key pressed while clicking Mouse button 1 (in the
emacs window of course)
- select "change buffer font..." and a dialog window should appear
- in the "pick a font" dialog you can select a font (Family) and size (Size)
- if you found you favourite font, replace the "Emacs*font: Terminus
10" line with your favourite "Emacs*font: Family Size" combination,
i.e. $ sed -e 's;\(Emacs\*font:\).*;\1 Monospace 10;' .Xresources
- $ xrdb -merge .Xresources

btw. if your window manager does not include the .Xresources file
automagically, you should do a "$ xrdb -merge .Xresources" in your
.xinitrc or whereever


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