Hi Christian!

Thank you for this tip but I’m afraid it does not work for me. I executed the 
commands you suggested and they worked without printing any error (at first 
they did because of a typo of mine). The result is that my Emacs window now 
starts up quite small in the middle of the screen and the is almost (before the 
actual content is drawn) resized to a bigger size. But this also makes it 
appear not centered but rather asymmetrical somewhat left of the center of the 

Perhaps I’ll try my luck on the Emacs help mailing list in a few days or so.


Am oder ungefähr am Donnerstag, 30. Juli 2009, um 16:34:25 schrieb Christian 
> Hi,
> as a workaround, until someone comes up with a nice lisp solution, you
> can set the font for emacs in your ~/.Xresources (or whatever you call
> it).
> For example:
> $ cat >> .Xresources << EOF
> Emacs*font: Terminus 10
> $ xrdb -merge .Xresources
> At least it works for me (and my tiling wm).
> Regards,
> chressie

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