On Thu, Jul 30, 2009 at 15:37, <andre.ramacio...@gmail.com> wrote:
> At Thu, 30 Jul 2009 15:15:46 +0200,
> Edgar Kalkowski wrote:
>> Hello list!
>> I know this is not an Arch specific question but I thought maybe something 
>> similar occurred to someone here and he knows a solution.
>> I just updated to Emacs 23 which has new fancy font code with antialiasing 
>> etc. However the default font of 12pt is way too big for my taste. So I 
>> changed it to 10pt and saved the configuration to my ~/.emacs file.
>> Everything works fine -- the font is smaller now -- but: Every time I start 
>> Emacs now the window first resizes to the dimensions that would be needed by 
>> the old (bigger) font. The (yet empty) window is then displayed and layouted 
>> by the window manager (KDE 4’s kwin). I configured it to center all new 
>> windows by default because I like it that way. Then the Emacs window resizes 
>> itself to match the new (smaller) font and the window is no longer centered!
>> This may seem like a minor issue and I know it is. But it nevertheless 
>> annoys me and I did not find a way to change this behaviour! Is there a way 
>> to do so? Emacs should just first resize the window to match the font size 
>> the user has actually configured and then display the window!
>> Greetings!
>> Edgar
> I have a similar problem, but it's the opposite: I use a tiling WM, so Emacs 
> starts maximized and then, when it changes the font, it grows beyond the 
> screen border. I'd like to hear if someone knows a solution.
> Greetings,
> Andre


as a workaround, until someone comes up with a nice lisp solution, you
can set the font for emacs in your ~/.Xresources (or whatever you call

For example:

$ cat >> .Xresources << EOF
Emacs*font: Terminus 10
$ xrdb -merge .Xresources

At least it works for me (and my tiling wm).


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