Aaron Griffin wrote:
>> And if we get in tight, there are conflicts between different versions
>> of the GPL, this is ugly. To this are the lawyers, who enjoy these
>> things, and not for us who are programmers, right?
>> Good Luck.
> To paraphrase what Thomas said to me: This is all free software, we
> should be able to use free software with other free software, damnit.
> It seems to go against the spirit to do things like this. I like this
> sentiment. I mean, I get that there are zealots out there who strongly
> believe in their Chosen License as if it were a soccer team, but
> seriously - it's all free software, and we may be subtly violating the
> letter of the license, but the letter of the license is violating the
> _spirit_ of the license.
Ok Aaron thanks for the clarification :)

I liked this phrase: "...but the letter of the license is violating the
_spirit_ of the license" ;)

Gerardo Exequiel Pozzi ( djgera )
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