On Wed, 2009-06-24 at 11:10 -0500, Aaron Griffin wrote: > > See the source code, is "old" BSD, or maybe the author forgot to > update > > the license ? for example tftp/main.c uses 4-clause and uses > readline. > > You think we should just remove the package? We have alternate tftp > implementations, right?
I don't want to be an ass here, but shouldn't we remove openssl too? That is also licensed with a modified 4-clause BSD license, which includes the advertising claim. However, half of the distribution, including GPL2 software, is linked to it. That's actually why GNUTLS was developed. I don't know if it's impossible for a 4-clause BSD licensed product to link to GPL libraries, but the other way around is not possible at least. That's why Debian has been stuck with OpenLDAP 2.1.30 for so long: they had patched up OpenLDAP to use GNUTLS instead of openssl to get rid of the advertisement claim in OpenSSL so libldap stays usable for GPL projects.