Jan de Groot wrote:
> On Wed, 2009-06-24 at 11:10 -0500, Aaron Griffin wrote:
>>> See the source code, is "old" BSD, or maybe the author forgot to
>> update
>>> the license ? for example tftp/main.c uses 4-clause and uses
>> readline.
>> You think we should just remove the package? We have alternate tftp
>> implementations, right?
No, just do not link to readline. This action will depend on how much
importance is given to the licenses in Arch.

This is why the question mark in the title ;) Personally I don't care if
link or not link for these issues in licenses.
> I don't want to be an ass here, but shouldn't we remove openssl too?
ugh!, this is ugly.

And if we get in tight, there are conflicts between different versions
of the GPL, this is ugly. To this are the lawyers, who enjoy these
things, and not for us who are programmers, right?

Good Luck.

Gerardo Exequiel Pozzi ( djgera )
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