El Thursday 16 April 2009 13:43:58 李业 va escriure:
> The new X server will automatically load dri2 if you don't explicitly
> define dri in load module section, and dri2 needs uxa. So if you try
> to use dri+uxa or dri2+exa, X server would hang up just like you
> described. I met the same problem last night, and this is my
> conclusion from Xorg.log.0.

I am working with no x.org file, so the X server should automagically choose 
the rigth combination (dri+exa, or dri2+uxa). But I am still having these 
"screen corruptions" in Qt4 apps. The last line of Xorg.0.log states: 
exaCopyDirty: Pending damage region empty!

Any clue?

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