Hi :)

On Wednesday 15 April 2009 00:56:27 Simon Braunstein wrote:
> Hello,
> > Unfortunately, I am facing some screen corruptions, as seen on this
> > screenshot:
> > http://nbigaouette.inrs-emt.homelinux.net/linux/arch/xf86_video_intel_cor
> >ru ption.png
> Same problem here. It seems using
> Option "AccelMethod" "UXA"
> in the device section of xorg.conf solves the problem for me.

I'm also having issues. Tried using UXA and everything works fine until I log 
off: screen goes black and no response via keyboard (no ctrl+alt+Fn nor 

Hardware is a Dell Latitude D610:

        00:02.1 Display controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 915GM/GMS/910GML
                Express Graphics Controller (rev 03)

Haven't tried to ssh from another laptop.

I've removed the UXA line and added this to the xorg.conf:

        Option      "AccelMethod"  "exa"
        Option      "MigrationHeuristic"  "greedy"

Now it seems to be working fine.


"We cannot treat computers as Humans. Computers need love."


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