what if the problem may not be the intel or nvidia drivers, but the way all of those drivers might be interplaying with the latest new xorg?
Because I am seeing significant slowdowns in my X environment overall with the new xorg (I use xfce), and my use the nvidia driver. ----- Original Message ---- From: János Illés <ija...@gmail.com> To: General Discusson about Arch Linux <arch-general@archlinux.org> Sent: Tuesday, April 14, 2009 5:13:46 PM Subject: Re: [arch-general] Corruption with new intel driver On Tue, Apr 14, 2009 at 22:51, Nicolas Bigaouette <nbigaoue...@gmail.com> wrote: > Hi all, > I just fully upgraded on two of my machines. These packages related to xorg > were updated: > > Unfortunately, I am facing some screen corruptions, as seen on this > screenshot: > http://nbigaouette.inrs-emt.homelinux.net/linux/arch/xf86_video_intel_corruption.png this happens for me too with intel-legacy driver and QT4 apps. -- IJ