I was going to file a new report, but my complaint seems to tie into
this stale yet remaining open bug.

The terminal content is too hard to read, because the white on black
terminal text is too small if the resolution is high or the screen
small. My legibility threshold is shown in the screenshot by the menu
and urlbar text in Firefox. You can see the terminal text is smaller,
while my considerably larger comfortable reading size is shown in the
Firefox viewport in the browser default size.

What's worse is that there's no apparent way to fix gnome settings when
running Kubuntu/KDE. In addition, which is the bug subject, the changes
window and any message windows it spawns are not adaptable to the
environment and are not resizable.

This portion of the product needs to be made friendlier in order to be
usable at all.

install window with terminal doesn't fit to 800x600

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