On Sunday 09 March 2008 02:39:47 Pascal De Vuyst wrote:
> Thanks for your bug report.
> Please attach you cups error_log after trying to print a ps or pdf file as
> described here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingPrintingProblems.
> ** Changed in: ubuntu
>      Assignee: (unassigned) => Pascal De Vuyst (pascal-devuyst)
>        Status: New => Incomplete

Attached is typescript file for 'script' command.  It is ugly, but I
think you can see what is going on.

This was done with March 10, 2008 daily-build of Hardy Heron 8.04
alpha-6.  System is an HP Slimline dual AMD 64 based system.



Chuck Adams, K7QO

Moving to Arizona?  Bring your own water, please.

Script started on Mon 10 Mar 2008 10:58:38 AM MST
[EMAIL PROTECTED]: [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ ls mod | grep usb
usblp                  17664  0 
rt73usb                28928  0 
rt2x00usb              14720  1 rt73usb
rt2x00lib              25344  2 rt73usb,rt2x00usb
mac80211              192532  2 rt2x00usb,rt2x00lib
usbhid                 35168  0 
hid                    44992  1 usbhid
usb_storage            82496  0 
libusual               23520  1 usb_storage
scsi_mod              178488  6 sbp2,usb_storage,sg,sr_mod,sd_mod,libata
usbcore               169904  9 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]: [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ tail -f /var/log/medssages
Mar 10 10:58:26 slimline-alpha6 kernel: [  125.909891] usblp0: removed
Mar 10 10:58:49 slimline-alpha6 kernel: [  135.359236] usb 2-6: new high speed 
USB device using ehci_hcd and address 7
Mar 10 10:58:50 slimline-alpha6 kernel: [  135.420089] usb 2-6: configuration 
#1 chosen from 1 choice
Mar 10 10:58:50 slimline-alpha6 kernel: [  135.423275] usblp0: USB 
Bidirectional printer dev 7 if 0 alt 0 proto 2 vid 0x03F0 pid 0x2B17
Mar 10 10:58:50 slimline-alpha6 /usr/sbin/hplj1020: foo2zjs: Missing HP 
LaserJet 1020 firmware file /usr/share/foo2zjs/firmware/sihp1020.dl
Mar 10 10:58:50 slimline-alpha6 /usr/sbin/hplj1020: foo2zjs: ...read foo2zjs 
installation instructions and run ./getweb 1020
Mar 10 10:58:50 slimline-alpha6 /usr/sbin/hplj1020: foo2zjs: Missing HP 
LaserJet 1020 firmware file /usr/share/foo2zjs/firmware/sihp1020.dl
Mar 10 10:58:50 slimline-alpha6 /usr/sbin/hplj1020: foo2zjs: ...read foo2zjs 
installation instructions and run ./getweb 1020
Mar 10 10:59:02 slimline-alpha6 kernel: [  140.375831] usb 2-6: USB disconnect, 
address 7
Mar 10 10:59:02 slimline-alpha6 kernel: [  140.376220] usblp0: removed
Mar 10 10:59:39 slimline-alpha6 kernel: [  155.037064] usb 2-6: new high speed 
USB device using ehci_hcd and address 8
Mar 10 10:59:39 slimline-alpha6 kernel: [  155.097882] usb 2-6: configuration 
#1 chosen from 1 choice
Mar 10 10:59:39 slimline-alpha6 kernel: [  155.098551] usblp0: USB 
Bidirectional printer dev 8 if 0 alt 0 proto 2 vid 0x03F0 pid 0x2B17
Mar 10 10:59:39 slimline-alpha6 /usr/sbin/hplj1020: foo2zjs: Missing HP 
LaserJet 1020 firmware file /usr/share/foo2zjs/firmware/sihp1020.dl
Mar 10 10:59:39 slimline-alpha6 /usr/sbin/hplj1020: foo2zjs: ...read foo2zjs 
installation instructions and run ./getweb 1020
Mar 10 10:59:39 slimline-alpha6 /usr/sbin/hplj1020: foo2zjs: Missing HP 
LaserJet 1020 firmware file /usr/share/foo2zjs/firmware/sihp1020.dl
Mar 10 10:59:39 slimline-alpha6 /usr/sbin/hplj1020: foo2zjs: ...read foo2zjs 
installation instructions and run ./getweb 1020

network socket
network beh
direct hpfax
direct usb://HP/LaserJet%201020
direct hp:/usb/HP_LaserJet_1020?serial=JL29QKA
network http
network ipp
network lpd
file cups-pdf:/
direct scsi
network smb
[EMAIL PROTECTED]: [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ sudo vi /etc/cups/cupsd.con
[sudo] password for adams: 
sudo vi /etc/cups/cupsd.conf
"/etc/cups/cupsd.conf" 80 lines, 2356 characters#
#   Sample configuration file for the Common UNIX Printing System (CUPS)
#   scheduler.  See "man cupsd.conf" for a complete description of this
#   file.

# Log general information in error_log - change "info" to "debug" for
# troubleshooting...
LogLevel warning

# Administrator user group...
SystemGroup lpadmin

# Only listen for connections from the local machine.
Listen localhost:631
Listen /var/run/cups/cups.sock

# Show shared printers on the local network.
Browsing Off
BrowseOrder allow,deny
BrowseAllow all
BrowseAddress @LOCAL

# Default authentication type, when authentication is required...
DefaultAuthType Basic

# Restrict access to the server...
<Location />
  Order allow,deny

# Restrict access to the admin pages...
<Location /admin>
  Order allow,deny

# Restrict access to configuration files...
<Location /admin/conf>
  AuthType Default
  Require user @SYSTEM
  Order allow,deny

# Set the default printer/job policies...
<Policy default>
  # Job-related operations must be done by the owner or an administrator...
  <Limit Send-Document Send-URI Hold-Job Release-Job Restart-Job Purge-Jobs 
Set-Job-Attributes Create-Job-Subscription Renew-Subscription 
Cancel-Subscription Get-Notifications Repprocess-Job Cancel-Current-Job 
Suspend-Current-Job Resume-Job CUPS-Move-Job>
    Require user @OWNER @SYSTEM
    Order deny,allow

  # All administration operations require an administrator to authenticate...
  <Limit CUPS-Add-Modify-Printer CUPS-Delete-Printer CUPS-Add-Modify-Class 
CUPS-Delete-Class CUPS-Set-Default>
    AuthType Default
    Require user 
[?12l[?25hLogLevel wa[?25l[?12l[?25h 
"/etc/cups/cupsd.conf" 80 lines, 2354 characters written
[?1l>[?12l[?25h[?1049l]0;[EMAIL PROTECTED]: [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ 
Zsudo /etc/init.d/cupsys restart
 * Restarting Common Unix Printing System: cupsd        
[ OK ]
]0;[EMAIL PROTECTED]: [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ cat /var/log/cups/error_log
E [10/Mar/2008:10:57:41 -0700] [cups-driverd] Unable to open PPD directory 
"/usr/share/cups/model": No such file or directory
E [10/Mar/2008:10:57:41 -0700] [cups-driverd] Unable to open PPD directory 
"/opt/share/ppd": No such file or directory
E [10/Mar/2008:10:58:00 -0700] CUPS-Add-Modify-Printer: Unauthorized
E [10/Mar/2008:10:58:27 -0700] Pause-Printer: Unauthorized
E [10/Mar/2008:10:58:52 -0700] Resume-Printer: Unauthorized
E [10/Mar/2008:10:59:03 -0700] Pause-Printer: Unauthorized
E [10/Mar/2008:10:59:41 -0700] Resume-Printer: Unauthorized
I [10/Mar/2008:11:01:17 -0700] Listening to (IPv4)
I [10/Mar/2008:11:01:17 -0700] Listening to /var/run/cups/cups.sock (Domain)
I [10/Mar/2008:11:01:17 -0700] Loaded configuration file "/etc/cups/cupsd.conf"
I [10/Mar/2008:11:01:17 -0700] Using default TempDir of /var/spool/cups/tmp...
I [10/Mar/2008:11:01:17 -0700] Configured for up to 100 clients.
I [10/Mar/2008:11:01:17 -0700] Allowing up to 100 client connections per host.
I [10/Mar/2008:11:01:17 -0700] Using policy "default" as the default!
I [10/Mar/2008:11:01:17 -0700] Full reload is required.
I [10/Mar/2008:11:01:17 -0700] Loaded MIME database from '/etc/cups': 36 types, 
39 filters...
D [10/Mar/2008:11:01:17 -0700] Loading printer HP_LaserJet_1020...
D [10/Mar/2008:11:01:17 -0700] Loading printer PDF...
D [10/Mar/2008:11:01:17 -0700] cupsdLoadRemoteCache: Not loading remote cache.
I [10/Mar/2008:11:01:17 -0700] Loading job cache file 
I [10/Mar/2008:11:01:17 -0700] Full reload complete.
I [10/Mar/2008:11:01:17 -0700] Cleaning out old temporary files in 
I [10/Mar/2008:11:01:17 -0700] Listening to on fd 3...
I [10/Mar/2008:11:01:17 -0700] Listening to /var/run/cups/cups.sock on fd 4...
I [10/Mar/2008:11:01:17 -0700] Resuming new connection processing...
D [10/Mar/2008:11:01:18 -0700] Report: clients=0
D [10/Mar/2008:11:01:18 -0700] Report: jobs=0
D [10/Mar/2008:11:01:18 -0700] Report: jobs-active=0
D [10/Mar/2008:11:01:18 -0700] Report: printers=2
D [10/Mar/2008:11:01:18 -0700] Report: printers-implicit=0
D [10/Mar/2008:11:01:18 -0700] Report: stringpool-string-count=455
D [10/Mar/2008:11:01:18 -0700] Report: stringpool-alloc-bytes=10416
D [10/Mar/2008:11:01:18 -0700] Report: stringpool-total-bytes=8792
scheduler is running
no system default destination
device for HP_LaserJet_1020: hp:/usb/HP_LaserJet_1020?serial=JL29QKA
device for PDF: cups-pdf:/
HP_LaserJet_1020 accepting requests since Mon 10 Mar 2008 10:59:41 AM MST
PDF accepting requests since Sun 09 Mar 2008 10:28:04 PM MST
printer HP_LaserJet_1020 is idle.  enabled since Mon 10 Mar 2008 10:59:41 AM MST
printer PDF is idle.  enabled since Sun 09 Mar 2008 10:28:04 PM MST
]0;[EMAIL PROTECTED]: [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ enscript /etc/passwd
lpr: Error - no default destination available.
[ 1 pages * 1 copy ] sent to printer
]0;[EMAIL PROTECTED]: [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ info enscript
[?1h=[?1049hWelcome to Info version 4.11. Type ? for help, m 
for menu item.File: enscript.info,  Node: Top,  Next: Introduction,  
Prev: (dir),  Up: (dir)GNU enscript************   This file 
documents the GNU enscript program.  This edition documentsversion 
1.6.4.* Menu:* Introduction::* Invoking Enscript::* 
Basic Printing::* Advanced Usage::* Configuration Files::* 
Customization::* The states Program::* Writing New Highlighting 
Definitions::* Index::--zz-Info: (enscript.info.gz)Top, 20 
 first menu item...Introduction,  Next: Invoking Enscript,  Prev: Top,  
Up: TopIntroduction* overall   * 
 (enscript.info.gz)Introduction, 9 lines 
 Next node...voking Enscript,  Next: Basic Printing,  Prev: 
Introduction,  Up: Topvoking 
(enscript.info.gz)Invoking Enscript, 5 lines 
 Next node...Basic Printing,  Next: Advanced Usage,  Prev: Invoking 
Enscript,  Up: TopBasic Printing* Menu:* Input 
Encodings::* Selecting Fonts::* Page Headers::* Page 
Handling::* Highlighting::--zz-Info: (enscript.info.gz)Basic 
Printing, 13 lines 
 first menu item...Input Encodings,  Next: Selecting Fonts,  Prev: Basic 
Printing,  Up: Basic PrintingInput 
 (enscript.info.gz)Input Encodings, 5 lines 
 Next node...Selecting Fonts,  Next: Page Headers,  Prev: Input 
Encodings,  Up: Basic PrintingSelecting Fonts--zz-Info: 
(enscript.info.gz)Selecting Fonts, 5 lines 
 Next node...Page Headers,  Next: Page Handling,  Prev: Selecting Fonts, 
 Up: Basic PrintingPage Headers--zz-Info: 
(enscript.info.gz)Page Headers, 5 lines 
 Next node...andling,  Next: Highlighting,  Prev: Page Headers,  Up: 
Basic Printingandling=* Menu:* Page 
Orientation::* N-up Printing::* Fitting Text to 
Page::--zz-Info: (enscript.info.gz)Page Handling, 11 lines 
 first menu item...Orientation,  Next: N-up Printing,  Prev: Page 
Handling,  Up: Page 
 (enscript.info.gz)Page Orientation, 5 lines 
 Next node...N-up Printing,  Next: Fitting Text to Page,  Prev: Page 
Orientation,  Up: Page HandlingN-up 
Printing--zz-Info: (enscript.info.gz)N-up Printing, 5 
 Next node...Fitting Text to Page,  Prev: N-up Printing,  Up: Page 
HandlingFitting Text to Page---------zz-Info: 
(enscript.info.gz)Fitting Text to Page, 5 lines 
 Up 1 time(s), then Next.Highlighting,  Prev: Page Handling,  Up: Basic 
PrintingHighlighting============* Menu:* 
Different Output Languages::--zz-Info: 
(enscript.info.gz)Highlighting, 9 lines 
 first menu item...Different Output Languages,  Prev: Highlighting,  Up: 
HighlightingDifferent Output 
 (enscript.info.gz)Different Output Languages, 5 lines 
 Up 2 time(s), then Next.Advanced Usage,  Next: Configuration Files,  
Prev: Basic Printing,  Up: TopAdvanced 
Usage*************** Menu:* Selecting Pages::* 
Escape Sequences::* Input Filters::* Slice Printing::* 
PostScript Printer Controlling::* Pass-Through 
Mode::--zz-Info: (enscript.info.gz)Advanced Usage, 14 lines 
 first menu item...Selecting Pages,  Next: Escape Sequences,  Prev: 
Advanced Usage,  Up: Advanced UsageSelecting 
 (enscript.info.gz)Selecting Pages, 5 lines 
 Next node...Escape Sequences,  Next: Input Filters,  Prev: Selecting 
Pages,  Up: Advanced UsageEscape 
Sequences=--zz-Info: (enscript.info.gz)Escape Sequences, 5 
 Next node...Input Filters,  Next: Slice Printing,  Prev: Escape 
Sequences,  Up: Advanced UsageInput 
Filters--zz-Info: (enscript.info.gz)Input Filters, 5 
 Next node...Slice Printing,  Next: PostScript Printer Controlling,  
Prev: Input Filters,  Up: Advanced UsageSlice 
Printing=--zz-Info: (enscript.info.gz)Slice Printing, 5 lines 
 Next node...PostScript Printer Controlling,  Next: Pass-Through Mode,  
Prev: Slice Printing,  Up: Advanced UsagePostScript Printer 
(enscript.info.gz)PostScript Printer Controlling, 5 lines 
 Next node...ass-Through Mode,  Prev: PostScript Printer Controlling,  
Up: Advanced Usageass-Through Mode--zz-Info: 
(enscript.info.gz)Pass-Through Mode, 5 lines 
 Up 1 time(s), then Next.Configuration Files,  Next: Customization,  
Prev: Advanced Usage,  Up: TopConfiguration 
(enscript.info.gz)Configuration Files, 5 lines 
 Next node...ustomization,  Next: The states Program,  Prev: 
Configuration Files,  Up: Topustomization* 
Menu:* Output Media::* User-Defined Fancy 
Headers::--zz-Info: (enscript.info.gz)Customization, 10 lines 
 first menu item...Output Media,  Next: User-Defined Fancy Headers,  
Prev: Customization,  Up: CustomizationOutput 
(enscript.info.gz)Output Media, 5 lines 
 Next node...User-Defined Fancy Headers,  Prev: Output Media,  Up: 
CustomizationUser-Defined Fancy 
(enscript.info.gz)User-Defined Fancy Headers, 5 lines 
 Up 1 time(s), then Next.The states Program,  Next: Writing New 
Highlighting Definitions,  Prev: Customization,  Up: TopThe `states' 
(enscript.info.gz)The states Program, 5 lines 
 Next node...Writing New Highlighting Definitions,  Next: Index,  Prev: 
The states Program,  Up: TopWriting New Highlighting 
Definitions****************   The highlighting works in three 
separate phases.  First, the"highlighing rules" process the input stream 
and parse it into logicalcomponents.  The components are called "faces".  
A face presents onelogical component of the input language, for example, 
a keyword, acomment, etc..  The enscript's highlighting model defines 
the followingfaces:bolditalicbold_italic     
Hard-coded faces for the bold, italic, and bold-italice text types.     
These faces define the exact presentation of the face font, so the     
style files have very little power in customizing their outlook.     
These faces should be avoided as much as possible.comment     A 
comment, normally in a programming language.function_name     A 
function name.  The function names are normally recognized from     
function definitions, not from an use of the 
function.variable_name     A variable name.  The variable names 
are normally recognized from     function, type, and variable 
definitions.keyword     A reserved keyword.  Normally, all 
occurrences of the keywords are     recognized.reference   
  A reference to another location in a file or to another file or     
resource.  For example, in the C-language, the goto targets are     
references.string     A string literal.builtin     
A builtin function or property.  Normally, all occurrences of the     
builtins are recognized.type     A type specifier.  The types are 
normally recognized from function,     type, and variable 
definitions.   As the second step, the "output style" specifies how the 
faces arepresented in the generated output.  Each face has the 
followingproperties:fontname     The PostScript font name 
of the the font that is used for the face.--zz-Info: 
(enscript.info.gz)Writing New Highlighting Definitions, 86 lines 
     The PostScript font name of the the font that is used for the face.  
   This property is used only for the PostScript 
outputs.boldp  A boolean flag which tells whether the face 
should be printed in     bold font.  This property is used for all output 
languages except     for the PostScript which uses the fontname 
property.italicp     A boolean flag which tells 
whether the face shuold be printed with     italic font.  This property 
is used for all output languages     except for the PostScript which 
uses the fontname property.fg_colorThe foreground 
color of the face.bg_color background color of 
the face.  This property is not     implemented on all output 
languages.Finally, the "output language" describes how the 
faces and othertext are presented in the output language.  The output 
language definesa set of functions which are called to generate the 
output.* Menu:* Highlighting Rules::* 
Styles::* Output 
 (enscript.info.gz)Writing New Highlighting Definitions, 86 lines 
 first menu item...File: enscript.info,  Node: Highlighting Rules,  Next: 
Styles,  Prev: Writing New Highlighting Definitions,  Up: Writing New 
Highlighting DefinitionsHighlighting 
 (enscript.info.gz)Highlighting Rules, 5 lines 
 Next node...Styles,  Next: Output Languages,  Prev: Highlighting Rules, 
 Up: Writing New Highlighting 
(enscript.info.gz)Styles, 5 lines 
 Next node...Output Languages,  Prev: Styles,  Up: Writing New 
Highlighting DefinitionsOutput Languages========== - 
Function: map_color (r, g, b) - Function: language_print (string) 
- Function: language_symbol (symbol) - Function: header () - 
Function: trailer () - Function: face_on (face) - Function: 
face_off (face) - Variable: LANGUAGE_SPECIALS   The following 
example creates a new output language `simple_html'that creates simple 
HTML outputs.  The output language is defined in afile called 
`lang_simple_html.st'.  The file must define a state 
called`lang_simple_html'.  The file can be located in any directory that 
isin the load path of the states program.   The output language 
definitions are defined in the `BEGIN' block ofthe `lang_simple_html' 
state.  Please, note that the `BEGIN' block isended with a 
`return'-statement.  This statement will return thecontrol to the 
calling state that is the start state of the enscripthighlight program.  
If the `return'-statement was omitted, the stateswould start processing 
the input with the `lang_simple_html' statewhich is obviously a wrong 
choice.     state lang_simple_html     {       BEGIN 
{         sub map_color (r, g, b)         {           
return sprintf ("#%02X%02X%02X", r, g, b);         }       
       sub language_print (str)         {           str = 
regsuball (str, /\&/, "&amp;");           str = regsuball (str, /</, 
"&lt;");           str = regsuball (str, />/, "&gt;");           
str = regsuball (str, /\"/, "&quot;");           print (str);     
    }              sub language_symbol (symbol)         
{           return false;         }     
--zz-Info: (enscript.info.gz)Output Languages, 94 lines 
         }              sub header ()         {   
        print ("<html>\n<head>\n<title>Simple HTML Output</title>\n");    
      print ("</head>\n<body>\n");         }             
sub trailer ()        {           print 
("</body>\n</html>\n");        }             sub 
fase_on (face)         {          if (face(boldp])         
    print ("<B>");          if (face(italicp])             print 
("<I>");          if (face[fg_color])             print ("<FONT 
COLOR=\", face[fg_color], "\">");      }             
 sub face_off (face)         {           if 
(face[fg_color])             print ("</FONT>");        if 
(face[italicp])             print ("</I>");           if 
(face[boldp])             print ("</B>");         
}              LANGUAGE_SPECIALS = /[<>\&\"]/;     
 (enscript.info.gz)Output Languages, 94 lines 
 Up 1 time(s), then Next.File: enscript.info,  Node: Index,  Prev: 
Writing New Highlighting Definitions,  Up: 
Menu:* face_off:                              Output 
Languages.* face_on:                               Output 
Languages.* header:                                Output 
Languages.* language_print:                        Output 
Languages.* LANGUAGE_SPECIALS:                     Output 
Languages.* language_symbol:                       Output 
Languages.* map_color:                             Output 
Languages.* trailer:                               Output 
 (enscript.info.gz)Index, 17 lines 
 first menu item...Output Languages,  Prev: Styles,  Up: Writing New 
Highlighting DefinitionsOutput Languages================ - 
Function: map_color (r, g, b) - Function: language_print 
(string) - Function: language_symbol 
(symbol) - Function: header () - 
Function: trailer () - Function: face_on (face) - 
Function: face_off (face) - Variable: LANGUAGE_SPECIALS   The 
following example creates a new output language `simple_html'that 
creates simple HTML outputs.  The output language is defined in afile 
called `lang_simple_html.st'.  The file must define a state 
called`lang_simple_html'.  The file can be located in any directory that 
isin the load path of the states program.   The output language 
definitions are defined in the `BEGIN' block ofthe `lang_simple_html' 
state.  Please, note that the `BEGIN' block isended with a 
`return'-statement.  This statement will return thecontrol to the 
calling state that is the start state of the enscripthighlight program.  
If the `return'-statement was omitted, the stateswould start processing 
the input with the `lang_simple_html' statewhich is obviously a wrong 
choice.     state lang_simple_html     {       BEGIN 
{         sub map_color (r, g, b)         {           
return sprintf ("#%02X%02X%02X", r, g, b);         }       
       sub language_print (str)         {           str = 
regsuball (str, /\&/, "&amp;");           str = regsuball (str, /</, 
"&lt;");           str = regsuball (str, />/, "&gt;");           
str = regsuball (str, /\"/, "&quot;");           print (str);     
    }              sub language_symbol (symbol)         
{           return false;         }     
--zz-Info: (enscript.info.gz)Output Languages, 94 lines 
         }              sub header ()         {   
        print ("<html>\n<head>\n<title>Simple HTML Output</title>\n");    
      print ("</head>\n<body>\n");         }             
sub trailer ()        {           print 
("</body>\n</html>\n");        }             sub 
fase_on (face)         {          if (face(boldp])         
    print ("<B>");          if (face(italicp])             print 
("<I>");          if (face[fg_color])             print ("<FONT 
COLOR=\", face[fg_color], "\">");      }             
 sub face_off (face)         {           if 
(face[fg_color])             print ("</FONT>");        if 
(face[italicp])             print ("</I>");           if 
(face[boldp])             print ("</B>");         
}              LANGUAGE_SPECIALS = /[<>\&\"]/;     
 (enscript.info.gz)Output Languages, 94 lines 
 Up 1 time(s), then Next.File: enscript.info,  Node: Index,  Prev: 
Writing New Highlighting Definitions,  Up: 
Menu:* face_off:                              Output 
Languages.* face_on:                               Output 
Languages.* header:                                Output 
Languages.* language_print:                        Output 
Languages.* LANGUAGE_SPECIALS:                     Output 
Languages.* language_symbol:                       Output 
Languages.* map_color:                             Output 
Languages.* trailer:                               Output 
 (enscript.info.gz)Index, 17 lines 
 first menu item...Output Languages,  Prev: Styles,  Up: Writing New 
Highlighting DefinitionsOutput Languages================ - 
Function: map_color (r, g, b) - Function: language_print 
(string) - Function: language_symbol 
(symbol) - Function: header () - 
Function: trailer () - Function: face_on (face) - 
Function: face_off (face) - Variable: LANGUAGE_SPECIALS   The 
following example creates a new output language `simple_html'that 
creates simple HTML outputs.  The output language is defined in afile 
called `lang_simple_html.st'.  The file must define a state 
called`lang_simple_html'.  The file can be located in any directory that 
isin the load path of the states program.   The output language 
definitions are defined in the `BEGIN' block ofthe `lang_simple_html' 
state.  Please, note that the `BEGIN' block isended with a 
`return'-statement.  This statement will return thecontrol to the 
calling state that is the start state of the enscripthighlight program.  
If the `return'-statement was omitted, the stateswould start processing 
the input with the `lang_simple_html' statewhich is obviously a wrong 
choice.     state lang_simple_html     {       BEGIN 
{         sub map_color (r, g, b)         {           
return sprintf ("#%02X%02X%02X", r, g, b);         }       
       sub language_print (str)         {           str = 
regsuball (str, /\&/, "&amp;");           str = regsuball (str, /</, 
"&lt;");           str = regsuball (str, />/, "&gt;");           
str = regsuball (str, /\"/, "&quot;");           print (str);     
    }              sub language_symbol (symbol)         
{           return false;         }     
--zz-Info: (enscript.info.gz)Output Languages, 94 lines 
AFM: scanning path...
AFM: reading font map "/usr/share/enscript/afm/font.map"
lpr: Error - no default destination available.
processing file ""...

]0;[EMAIL PROTECTED]: [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ enscript -d HP_LaserJet_1020 
[ 1 pages * 1 copy ] sent to HP_LaserJet_1020
]0;[EMAIL PROTECTED]: [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ tail -f /var/log/messages
Mar 10 10:59:39 slimline-alpha6 /usr/sbin/hplj1020: foo2zjs: ...read foo2zjs 
installation instructions and run ./getweb 1020
Mar 10 10:59:39 slimline-alpha6 /usr/sbin/hplj1020: foo2zjs: Missing HP 
LaserJet 1020 firmware file /usr/share/foo2zjs/firmware/sihp1020.dl
Mar 10 10:59:39 slimline-alpha6 /usr/sbin/hplj1020: foo2zjs: ...read foo2zjs 
installation instructions and run ./getweb 1020
Mar 10 11:01:17 slimline-alpha6 kernel: [  194.124178] audit(1205172077.131:3): 
operation="inode_permission" request_mask="a::" denied_mask="a::" 
name="/dev/tty" pid=6158 profile="/usr/sbin/cupsd" namespace="default"
Mar 10 11:03:07 slimline-alpha6 kernel: [  238.107090] usblp0: removed
Mar 10 11:03:07 slimline-alpha6 kernel: [  238.227536] audit(1205172187.560:4): 
operation="inode_permission" request_mask="::rw" denied_mask="::rw" 
name="/dev/tty" pid=6188 profile="/usr/sbin/cupsd" namespace="default"
Mar 10 11:03:07 slimline-alpha6 kernel: [  238.270891] audit(1205172187.672:5): 
operation="inode_permission" request_mask="::rw" denied_mask="::rw" 
name="/dev/tty" pid=6191 profile="/usr/sbin/cupsd" namespace="default"
Mar 10 11:03:07 slimline-alpha6 foo2zjs-wrapper: foo2zjs-wrapper -P -z1 -L0 
-r1200x600 -p1 -s7 -m1 -n1
Mar 10 11:03:10 slimline-alpha6 foo2zjs-wrapper: gs -sPAPERSIZE=letter 
-g10200x6600 -r1200x600 -sDEVICE=pbmraw -dCOLORSCREEN -dMaxBitmap=500000000  
Mar 10 11:03:10 slimline-alpha6 foo2zjs-wrapper: foo2zjs -r1200x600 
-g10200x6600 -p1 -m1 -n1 -d1 -s7 -z1  -u 192x96 -l 192x96 -L 0     -P 


[Hardy] alpha6 8.04 hp laserjet 1020
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