If we would ship the updated tools in the tarball that would indeed solve the 

To do this, we would still need to build a backported libapt/dpkg on a
dapper system (because of new glib2.4 symbols it won't run on dapper
when build on edgy) and put that in the tarball.

The tarball itself would  need to be placed in edgy/dist-
upgrader-$(ARCH). Currently soyuz custom upload-format code for this is
not able to deal with a arch-dependant dist-upgrader unfortunately. The
update-manager assumes a ARCH=all as well (but this would be trivial to
fix and put into dapper-updates).

My current solution for this is outlined above. To me it looks not
optimal either way. Putting it all into a tarball make the code easier
but it involves more work with the build-system and additional soyuz

I would appreciate your input on this (which of the two poisons to


update-manager for edgy needs to upgrade dpkg/apt before calculating the 
upgrade to support the new "breaks" - otherwise the upgrade may fail

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