So, following discussion on IRC, as I understand it the things that
still need to be done are:

  * Put apt/dpkg/python-apt into dapper-backports; AIUI we have the
    appropriate sources for these packages ready and we have (or can
    easily have) binary builds for testing - for now, the
    update-manager can download these from people.u.c or similar, and
    this will be rectified when soyuz backports are fixed.

  * Arrange for update-manager to look on the CD for these files, as
    well as being able to download them (the latter is already done).

  * Arrange for the CD build to contain these files in the appropriate
    place on the CD as required by update-manager.


update-manager for edgy needs to upgrade dpkg/apt before calculating the 
upgrade to support the new "breaks" - otherwise the upgrade may fail

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