That's what happens if the user keep the gnome default settings, or if he 
increases the dpi like the original reporter.
However, if a dpi lower than 96 is used, firefox will stay at 96 (since 
layout.css.dpi is set to -1 by default).
Though, if this -1 value exists, and it's used by default, there must be a good 
reason for doing so. Anyway I think most ppl would let the 96 dpi gnome 
setting, and maybe a few of them use higher dpi like 120, but I wouldn't think 
many users set it to a dpi lower than 96.
So firefox and gnome settings already match for most (all?) users, if that is 
the only problem.

I'm not sure it is that simple though.
First, some people argue that a fixed 96 dpi should be used for web rendering, 
because everyone use windows at default settings, and every web developpers 
assume that and align things in point with things in pixel based on 96 dpi. 
Thus, it's said that the majority of web site only looks good at 96 dpi.
I'm pointing that out because I've seen this repeated many times, but I 
personally have no problem browsing at another dpi, and besides I really 
dislike the idea of a fixed dpi.

Second, I'm wondering something myself: why should gnome and firefox dpi 
settings match, but not gnome and X dpi, and why shouldn't this dpi setting 
match the actual physical dpi of the screen ?
I mean, in some case, X can magically autodetect the correct dpi, but gnome 
overwrites this setting, no matter what. When X fails to detect the dpi, in 
this case I think it could fallback on 96 dpi or something similar (instead of 
I personally would like a consistent dpi on a particular system, ie a 10 point 
font has the same size in the login manager (xdm,kdm,gdm,...), in the various 
wm (gnome, kde, xfce, fluxbox, ...), in xft apps and non xft ones (the few that 
remains at least). And I would like to set this in only one place, eg using the 
-dpi X argument.
Also, I would like to have a 10 point font that is displayed at approximately 
the same size on all my screens. If I get a higher dpi screen, it's for 
displaying fonts more accurately, I don't want them to only become smaller..

Firefox does not pay attention to GNOME DPI setting, nor work with its own 

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