in feisty the libdvdread3 file was missing the CSS script thus the end user
could not play certain files.  a fix should be released according the bug

You would have to install feisty and see if the package in question has been

If it has not then you will have to manually install package. At least till
the one in the repo is updated.

On 3/31/07, Shaya Potter < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've uninstalled and reinstalled libdvdcss w/ different versions of
> libdvdread3.  It didn't work w/ the version in feisty (hence my bug
> report title "no css dvd's work in feisty") but it did work w/ the
> version in edgy (which is what I have pinned in apt right now).  As I'm
> overseas right now and have no access to my DVDs, I can't test to see if
> this is still the issue.
> --
> no css dvd's work in feisty

no css dvd's work in feisty

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