I can see strong arguments for using dash as the default sh, but I find
the Ubuntu's devs approach wrong and triggering unnecessary pain to
users and Ubuntu's image.

The switch should be a slower process. IMHO it should be initiated as
probono at 2007-02-18 14:59:18 explained - ie. start it with using dash
explicitely only for Ubuntu's own sh scripts, which are not dependant on
any upstream.

Then a message should follow via all the Ubuntu broadcasting channels,
and to all the upstreams providing any sh scripts, that bash->dash
switch is planned. The message should contain the outline of benefits:

1. examples of speed gain in the first place, based on the experience from 
uisng dash for Ubuntu own scripts
2. followed by POSIX compliance rationale
3. then with "make the world better" argument as the last one

If possible, spread the word to other ditros and encourage them to join

After most upstreams are done with transition, or at least known to be
in the process, make the switch. That would hurt much less. Mostly, only
third party non mantained software could remain broken. However, thanks
to wide promotion and community feedback, those could at least be less
surprising for users.

Although I sympathize with those who find 3 and 2 are actually most
important, I believe that trying to achieve the goal by "dash or death"
approach was absolutely not appropriate. It fixed something, but broke
another thing. While if the transition went smoother and more
transparently, it could be almost all-wins process and a success story.
Ubuntu's image would not worsen, correctness would prevail, less unhappy
users.. Evolution istead of revolution, so to speak.

Add GRASS GIS to the list of dash incompatible software. We are working
on it. Hopefully soon to be fixed. But did Ubuntu really had to do it
the hard way?

Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

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