I've wasted about an hour and a half due to VMWare's MUI httpd not working -- because of the dash stupidity. 1 hour = $50 to me. To the self-righteous schmucks who want to force POSIX down everybody's throats: do you realize how much this "decision" is costing the world at large? Think millions of dollars. Yes, you and your likes have managed to reduce the world's aggregated wealth by something like that. Are you proud now?
To everyone else: there's no debate. The economic costs here far outweigh any other concerns. There's no "on the other hand". If you don't understand simple economics, or want to suggest that somehow because Linux is free, economics don't apply -- please don't reply, go get a clue. Even if one does something as a hobby, time is never free. -- Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink https://launchpad.net/bugs/61463 -- ubuntu-bugs mailing list ubuntu-bugs@lists.ubuntu.com https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-bugs