I suspect that, unlike their Linux counterparts, most Windows users
choose their operating system based on pragmatic considerations,
including but certainly not limited to, what is already on their

My wife has tried out Kubuntu and decided that it has too many rough
edges - such as that we have to start the wireless manually, as
NetworkManager doesn't like our card with WPA - and these cost her time
and energy.  She uses Linux if the computer is already running it and
she has no major work to do, otherwise she will boot Windows.

If people here are serious about getting Windows users to switch, they
might want to try the following: get a Windows user (or several) to test
run Ubuntu for a while, taking notes about difficulties and annoyances
they encounter.  Then submit bug reports for as many of those as
possible, or add comments to existing reports.  This will ensure that
issues get looked at which genuinely matter to Windows users, and will
probably be more effective than just announcing to all that Ubuntu is
better - even if it is for you, it may not be for those you would like
to convince.

Microsoft has a majority market share

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