True. MS has gained most of the markets. But nothing lasts forever, it´s possible to get people on move thru corporate field. We are living interesting times my friends. Corps are currently evaluating next OS, and comparison is done between Linux or Vista. MS is currently pushing wildly Vista to corporates, but Linux has huge advantanges on this round. Vista is totally new system, binary break and so called secure OS is already falling apart. Pro list in Vista is short. Some what better gaming experience and DX10. Where corps need these features? They don´t. Why corporates have choosed Windoze before? Simple, because of Office applications. OpenOffice wipes table with current MS Office packages, when comparing price/quality rate. They know this and it can be seen as the "patent war". With this harrassing they try to drive corporates to Vista and choose the "unrisky" OS. The line must hold in this "war". What I mean by getting Ubuntu to people thru corporate field? Who uses computers in corporates? People. If corporate chooses Linux, then people are forced to "learn" using Linux and they will notice how easy it is to use. Perhaps they will acquire Linux to home also after this. My girlfriend wonder once what has happend to WXP desktop, when I installed Ubuntu and had (gnome) desktop open. (I have dual boot, because I´m gamer.) She has this funny idea, that Linux is still the command shell OS and most of the people has this same idea also. This general misunderstanding should be removed from peoples head. We should install new thoughts like you can do same things than with MS OS, and for free. It´s different but you can still browse, use im, skype, send email and make documents. Remember folks, open standard has always won. Why not in OS side also. Big thanks to Mark for support.
-JH -- Microsoft has a majority market share -- ubuntu-bugs mailing list