I'm sorry, but during the course of the attachment opening, even top takes about 10 seconds to start and the server is completely unusable. I can easily kill the machine with a recursive wget of the attachment. How would that not be considered a security issue?


On 17/11/05, Marc Groot Koerkamp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Mon, November 14, 2005 13:26, Roman Gaufman wrote:
> Hey,
> I have a major problem with squirrelmail. With the attached attachment,
> If I
> press download, everything is fine, but if I press view, the mailserver
> just hangs for 30 seconds: It takes top ~15 seconds to start and shows
> 100% cpu
> utilization by apache2, uptime shows a load average of 5 for the duration
> of opening the attachment and no one can use webmail or apache. The
> attachment opens eventually and there are no errors.

The timeout is caused by the html filter used in SquirrelMail. It's not
capable of filtering large html attachments.


Marc Groot Koerkamp.

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