mockup 2:
- clicking on Home button (between right-left arrows) you should view
the home/personal folder with a new view. System info, the xdg folders,
and a link to classic view.
On breadcrumbs: for stop and refresh buttons you could follow menu
items. You don't need buttons... these buttons ar
in my mockup2, in space free aree we could put "personal" device for
rapid access... an usb disk-key, an mp3reader device, a photocamera
attached to the computer. Is what a user should see in "Computer" but
with rights to mount/unmount (polikykit could help here)
Nautilus file browser toolbar
Refresh is "a state of mind", and this action could be between zero and
Inf+. We should take a decision, split this distribution of times in two
parts, what people think about a long-wait and not. 3 sec? 4 sec? more?
Local browsing, low number of files in a folder:
1. Joe open nautilus window and
Great job Marcus!
Only two things:
1. we could move Home and Search icons to "places" area, we need to free
space on main toolbar. I didn't like the double url-bar and search-bar.
2. in Places area, Home reference is ok, instead for Search (icon +
"Search" label) we could have an input text fiel
I made some changes on Marcus mockup to explain my latest ideas...
1. for url-bar (a power-user solutions to browse) CTRL-L like firefox and other
2. for location I made a mockup but I not so sure that could be usefull. We
have already Go menu in toolbar and "less-is-more".
I didn't put my
on nautilus-human-danielsan.png mockup:
1. like someone wrotes here, HOME is a place so I put this item in left-area
(aka "Places" area)
2. I like the two-status concept of Refresh-Stop and I place this icon-button
between Backward and Forward icons. If I don't want go back or go forward, I
marcus 1) Can't it be psychological to have a Home icon to click if I
get lost?
yes, it could be but Home is a place, not an action (go backward, make a
jump-refresh, go forward). The same for Search. In fireforx we didn't
have a left-area to put these items.
marcus 2) Input textfield in the menu
Looking forward...
since my left-area concept share some ideas with gnome-shell project,
this one should be an optional in long-run. It depend on what a user
want to do: click on Activities (gnome-shell) every time or use search-
places-folders in nautilus window.
Nautilus file browser toolba