I have installed the Lucid RC (via WUBI) on a Dell M2010 with the
dreaded Dell 350 bluetooth card, and can confirm that the issue has not
been resolved at kernel 2.6.32-22. The Bluetooth light is "happily"
lit, but the keyboard and mouse will not connect. "HCI" commands are
either ignored or retu
Thanks for your help. I now have the M2010 dual booting with Dreamlinux 3.5
and Jaunty. With Dream, the hwC0D0 file was present at installation, but I had
to add hda-verb and the scripts. Dream chose the "vesa" driver for the display
and I installed "fglrx" and changed /etc/X11/xorg.
Here are some clues I discovered on my M2010: If I boot the Lucid
LiveCD from the Windows "sleep mode" (that is, power off, but not shut
down through the logging off, shutting down sequence), I can coerce the
Bluetooth module into recognizing both the keyboard and the mouse. But
when I installed
I mis-spoke above. Where I said "sleep mode", I should have said
"hibernate mode". The "sleep mode" keeps the working system in memory
and does not allow a choice of boot locations when next turned on. Only
the "hibernate mode" allows the choice of boot location, and then the
choices are only th
mcfrei: Thank you for that fix. "Make" is something I have not done
before, but it seems to work -- that is I got sound out of one of the
Gnome-games. More tests, soon.
If only "we" could get the native keyboard and mouse to work Windows
would be gone!
Thanks again.
internal bluetoot
@mcfrei: Thanks again for the good tip. I put a copy of the Jaunty iso
on a USB stick and booted. The keyboard works; its touchpad works, the
numeric keypad works! I was unable to get the M2010's native mouse to
do anything. But, hey, a USB mouse is not that big a deal -- I've got
several to m
Bug description at top of page lists an order of events. Mine is
slightly different:
1. Boot process starts
2. Display turns off -- goes to power down state as if computer is off
3. Drum sounds are heard -- boot has ended
4. Keyboard is operational as NUMLOCK key toggles the light
5. Can't